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Online Unterricht ermöglicht neuen Blickwinkel auf US- Präsidentschaftswahlen 2020

Am Tag nach der großen Wahlnacht in den USA hat sich unser Q1/2 Englisch Grundkurs von Frau Gille über Big Blue Button mit dem Amerikaner Eric Tomren unterhalten, um die Ereignisse aus der Sicht eines Amerikaners zu sehen und zu verstehen. Es folgt eine kurze Zusammenfassung unser 45 minütigen Videokonferenz auf Englisch.

Our 41-year-old American interview partner Eric Tomren lives in Seattle and currently works as a Covid-19 Case investigator. Eric is, as many other US citizens, proud to be American, but he also criticizes the political system in America especially the voting system. He told us, for example, that the healthcare system was a big issue for him. In relation to the current election we asked him several political questions. In contrast to many other Americans Eric is non-polarized. He understands and knows both sides of the debate. Eric does not want Trump to be reelected - that’s why he has supported the Democratic Party this year. What surprised our class the most was the fact that Americans don’t discuss politics with their friends, because it is such a sensitive topic and they don’t want to offend anyone.

All in all, this interview was a very nice experience for all of us. Eric being that open-minded gave us a great insight into an American life during the presidential election in 2020. We hope for more conferences with native speakers to come.